August 2018 - Drop Everything And Read

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The Drop Everything And Read (DEAR) program was started by Headmistress Madame Grace Saguma. She had seen how popular this program was at other schools she had worked at, and Tumaini Junior School had a sufficiently large enough library to make it possible. She claimed, “Whoever reads gets knowledge which nobody can remove”.

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Joan, who is in third grade, comes to the library more often thanks to the DEAR program. She said, "Reading gives me knowledge and I get to know almost everything!"


Paulo, also in third grade, admits that the library is one of his favorite places on campus and DEAR is now one of his favorite activites. "It makes me know more words which I do not know already". 


Veronica, a sixth grader, is a regular library user, but she loves the ability to check out a book, and take it to a quiet space, either in an empty classroom, her dorm bed or outside to read. DEAR gives her an extra two hours every week to read. "I don't really have as much time to read as I would like, so I love the DEAR program".



Julianna is a Tumaini Junior School alumni who graduated in 2013. Tanzanian high school is 6 years, and Julianna will begin her 5th year in September. Until then she is volunteering at Tumaini Junior School's library. It takes a lot of man power to organize all the books for DEAR and an extra pair of hands is very helpful. 


Shani, a second grader, commented, "It is just a good day! It helps us to read and get to know what is in the library".


At Tumaini we are proud of our reading culture, and DEAR is a testament to the value placed on reading by our school community. As our students continue to read more and more, the need for new books grows. To help support us in this, feel free to visit our Amazon Wishlist and donate a book or two.